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1 Belgravia St Penzance


Easy to lay Victorian mosaic patterns by post. Black and White Victorian Mosaics. Chequerboard Tiles. Black and White Chequer. Original Victorian Mosaic Designs. Blue and White Chequer. Black and white hallways. Black and white paths. Black and white pathways. Victorian path tiles. Floor tiles. Victorian chequer tiles. Chessboard tiles. Victorian chessboard tiles. Original chequerboard tiles. Advice on design and colour. Tiles made in France and patterns built in our British workshop.

Complete instructions for the fitting and finishing of our beautiful, affordable mosaic floors. Frost resistant, heat resistant non-slip, hard wearing, vibrant original colours.

Chequer with border Designs


Black & White Chequer with Borders

Please note that this price refers to White not Old White which is priced as a colour

black and white sheeted victorian floor tiles

Chequer - Single Line Border - £15/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer - Black Diamond Border - £48/linear metre

black and white sheeted victorian floor tiles

Chequer - Dog's Tooth Border - £58/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer - Alma Border - Black - £135/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer - Two Line Border - £30/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer - Diamond Border 3 Lines- £62/linear metre

black and white sheeted victorian floor tiles

Chequer - ZigZag Border 2 Lines- £78/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer - Alma Border - White - £115/linear metre

black and white sheeted victorian floor tiles

Chequer - Three Line Border - £38/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer - Diamond Border 4 Lines- £74/linear metre

black and white sheeted victorian floor tiles

Chequer - ZigZag Border 4 Lines- £92/linear metre

sheeted victorian style floor tiles

Chequer -Belgravia Border - Black - £110/linear metre